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  • The President interacting with farmers in Chikwawa

  • Farmers from Kambadwe and Mwanaalirenji Cooperatives interacting with the President during the visit

  • SVTP Project Coordinator Dr Khaila making a presentation during presidential visit

  • Representatives of SVTP farmers during the presidential visit in September 2024

  • One of the traffic bridges on the canal

  • Gates on siphon 3

  • Members of the Donor Committee for Agriculture and Food Security (DCAFS) interacting with cooperative members in June

  • Election of Cooperative board members

  • The President touring construction works

  • Community sensitization meeting by Ministry of Lands

  • Construction of 1.3km long siphon 6 in progress

  • Land adjudication in progress

  • Cooperative member education training for livestock farmers at GVH Chikhambi, TA Kasisi

  • Completed section of the canal

  • Completed siphon 2

  • Meeting involving the Presidential Delivery Unit and MDAs on coordination of activities

  • The duckbill weir under construction

  • Preparing for thabalaba propagation

  • Planting thabalaba in a research garden at GVH Chigwiragalu, TA Tengani in Nsanje

  • Business accounting training for Kambadwe and Chifunda livestock cooperatives

  • Handover of security materials to community policing structures

  • Canal alignment in progress

  • Development of community land use plans

  • Dr Nolipher Mponya from the Malawi Plant Genetic Resources Centre meeting communities on threatened crop biodiversity and associated wildlife species

Welcome to Shire Valley Transformation Programme

The Government of Malawi (GoM) through the Ministry of Agriculture is implementing the Shire Valley Transformation Programme (SVTP) with support from the World Bank, the African Development Bank, and the OPEC Fund for International Development. The SVTP is a 14-year program (2018-2031) which will be implemented in three sequential but partially overlapping phases.


President Chakwera, farmers bank hopes on the SVTP

In a display of support and commitment, President Dr Lazarus Chakwera visited the SVTP construction site.....

World Bank, AfDB lauds SVTP construction progress

"The progress I have seen on site has brought so much hope that the Shire Valley will be transformed."

Malawi commemorates natural resources days

World Wetlands, World Wildlife and World Ranger Days were commemorated on 5 June 2023 in Chikwawa

Farmers, Stakeholders calls for a vibrant sesame sector

Farmers and other value chain players met in Lilongwe to discuss the sesame seed sector.

We are hiring!

We have vacancies available in the Programme. Join our Team! Please click on this page for detailed Requests for Expression of Interest

Invitation for Bids: Construction of Secondary Pipelines and Remaining Works in Phase I Area

Click on the page for details on the bid. Closing date: 19th June 2023

SVTP infrastructure escapes Cyclone Freddyโ€™s devastating effects

Cyclone Freddy has been deemed the longest-lasting storm on world record.

Nsanje District council nods to the SVTP

Nsanje District Council has given the nod to the multi-billion Kwacha project, Shire Valley Transformation Programme.

President Chakwera visits the SVTP

His Excellency the President, Dr Lazarus Chakwera on Wednesday 12th October visited the SVTP

SVTP, African Parks hosts a ministerial delegation

The SVTP hosted a joint ministerial delegation at the construction site and Majete Wildlife Reserve.

SVTP, MITC discuss market opportunities

"Market availability is the heart of transformation in the Shire Valley. Without markets, there is no SVTP."

SVTP championing Access Benefit Sharing

This documentary highlights how the Government and communities are co-managing natural resources

Aerial surveys and mapping in five protected areas

The Programme through Precision conducted aerial surveys and mapping in five protected areas covering 2,800 kms2.

Shire Valley farmers gear up for commercial farming

Group Village Headman Njeleza is not happy that whenever his village suffers a natural calamity but there is hope.

Preservation of cultural heritage

This video documentary showcases cultural heritage assessments along the SVTP canal route. 19 sites were identified and excavated.

Establishing Cooperatives

This video documentary showcases how the SVTP is facilitating the establishment of cooperatives in readiness for commercial farming.

The unique history of the SVTP

The SVTP has been on the drawing board for over 80 years. Construction of the Scheme started in April 2020 in Chikwawa.

Women defying odds in a male-dominated industry

The construction of the SVTP scheme has opened up employment opportunities for many people including women.

5th Edition of the SVTP Newsletter is out. Download to read!

This e-newsletter provides highlights from the implementation of the SVTP.

SVTP: A catalyst to the realization of the MW2063

The SVTP contributes to three pillars of the MW2063 and some enablers of the blueprint.

Preparing for Commercial Farming

This video shows how farmers in the Shire Valley are preparing for commercial farming.

A talk on wildlife with Director of Parks and Wildlife

The Director highlights interventions in natural resources conservation and efforts to curb pangolin trafficking.

First Community Conservation Area (CCA) established in the Elephant Marsh

Mbenje community contributes 2,164 hectares of land for conservation.

Irrigation is our lifeline- Chief Singano

Senior Group Village Headman Singano of Chikwawa says the SVTP is the only means of escape from the poverty.

Malawi making strides in updating the IUCN Red List

Top conservation experts in the country are updating the IUCN Red List for Malawi. The list was last updated in 2002.

SVTP intensifies agriculture commercialization drive, 5 cooperatives registered

Five irrigation blocks have registered as cooperatives in Chikwawa.

SVTP, PPPC engage off-takers in Chikwawa

The project regularly engages offtakers to discuss water purchase agreements and operation of the Scheme.

Over 45,000 land parcels secured for Shire Valley farmers

Ministry of Lands is implementing provisions of the Customary Land Act (2022) to secure land for farmers.

Retrogressive nature of natural disasters

This video shows how Cyclone Ana affected people and development in the Shire Valley.

Refrain from GBV-workers advised

SVTP GBV Service Provider has advised construction workers to refrain from perpetrating gender based violence.

CCJP builds capacity of stakeholders in GBV prevention

The CCJP engaged local and district level stakeholders in Chikwawa on GBV prevention.

Parliament nods to SVTP-2 financing

Parliament on 26th July 2022 approved a $134 million financing for SVTP-2 from the World Bank.

The SVTP: A trip down memory lane

This video documentary provides the history of the SVTP since its conceptualization in the 1940s.

Land-related bills assented

The SVTP supported the the drafting of the amended land bills and related processes and has been piloting provisions of the Bills.

Disclosure Notification: Shire Valley Transformation Program - Phase 2 - (P176575)

Here is the list of documents under disclosure for the SVTP-2 (P176575)

WB, AFDB engage SV Farmers

Today the SVTP hosted a joint World Bank-African Development Bank mission visit in Chikwawa. The mission had an interaction with farmers

Happy International Women's Day

We join the world in commemorating the International Women's Day.

March 3: World Wildlife Day

Malawi is blessed with beautiful wildlife which is at a scare of poaching and other illegal activities.
Report wildlife crimes!

The SVTP on the Path to Recovery from Effects of Cyclone Ana

Cyclone Ana affected the intake foundation and part of the first siphon...

Press Release: Status of the SVTP Infrastructure at Kapichira Dam

Cyclone Ana has affected the multi-billion Kwacha Shire Valley Transformation Program (SVTP) in Chikwawa.

Finance Minister inspects construction works at the SVTP

The Finance Minister has described the SVTP as of paramount importance to achieving the Malawi 2063 Vision.

Over 30,000 farmers secure land parcels in the Shire Valley

Land use is the backbone of agricultural economies as it provides substantial economic and social benefits.

Construction works impress World Bank, AfDB

SVTP co-financiers World Bank and African Development Bank recently held missions to the project.

Alternative livelihoods for biodiversity conservation in Lengwe and Mwabvi

Alternative livelihood initiatives assist in conserving natural resources..

Deputy Minister of Agriculture tours construction works

"Time has come for farmers to transition from smallholder to commercial farming."......

Experts weigh in on biodiversity conservation

Top conservation experts met this week to update the IUCN Red List for Malawi following field assessments.

Malawi launches Access Benefit Sharing Guidelines

The Malawi Government recently launched the Access Benefit Sharing (ABS) Guidelines.

59 Rangers trained in Anti-poaching and Law Enforcement

59 rangers attended a two-week training program on anti-poaching and law enforcement...

Contract Award Notice

The SVTP informs the general public of the award of Contract for Construction of Main Canal 1 and Main Canal 2 in Chikwawa

SVTP hosts World Bank Delegation

The Shire Valley Transformation Programme is hosting a World Bank mission...

Construction of the SVTP-Our journey

This video highlights some of the major infrastructure works done by the Shire Valley Transformation Programme

Fourth Edition of SVTP Newsletter is out! Click on the download link below.

This e-newsletter provides text and pictorial highlights from the SVTP.

Construction workers sensitized on GBV, Workers Committee established

As cases of Gender Based Violence (GBV) continue to make headlines at..

SVTP revamps One-Stop Centre

The SVTP GBV Service Provider CCJP intensified efforts to revamp the Chikwawa District One-Stop Centre which serves as place where GBV..

Chikwawa District pledges support to the SVTP

Chikwawa District Consultative Meeting conducted a supervisory visit to the SVTP construction site.

SVTP in a COVID-19 prevention drive

The SVTP is mainstreaming COVID-19 awareness and prevention in all its activities.

Agriculture Minister, Parliamentary Committee touts the SVTP

The Minister of Agriculture says government will ensure that the SVTP..

Bringing fish closer to home

Despite her advanced age, Margret Sabe vowed to avail herself at the fish ponds whenever there is work to be done there. Sabe is a member of...

Fighting exploitation over Nsanjeโ€™s priceless tuber

A young man travelled to Nsanje in search of a root tuber that was reputed to possess medicinal remedies.

20,002 land parcels adjudicated and demarcated in Chikwawa

Land has become a scarce resource in Malawi as the population continues to increase rapidly. As a matter of..

SVTP engages land owners on commercial agriculture

The SVTP conducted 49 village outreach campaigns focusing on land consolidation and the formation..

First Edition of the SVTP Photobook is Out!!!

The photobook provides pictorial highlights from the SVTP from period April to December, 2020.

SVTP preserves cultural heritage

To the untrained eye, the small objects the men would now and again spot and pick from the wet ground as they moved forward..

Irrigation project carrying Malawi's hopes

Vice President Chilima described the SVTP as a timely irrigation project carrying the aspirations of Malawians.ย ย 

The SVTP Canal-December, 2020

The SVTP has made good progress in the construction of the Intake and first 6km of the Main Canal. Click below to watch the video..

Excavation of the Main Canal

The SVTP has made progress in the excavation of the 6km of the Main Canal. Here is a video of the excavation of the Main Canal.

Feedback from the Vice President on progress (Chichewa)

The Vice President of the Republic of Malawi visited the SVTP on a monitoring mission..

Vice President Rt Honorable Chilima visits the SVTP

The Vice President of the Republic of Malawi visited the SVTP on a supervision mission

Chikwawa District Physical Development Plan (CDPDP) and local land use plans launched

The Chikwawa District Council developed a Physical Development..

Villagers smile all the way to the bank

When Samson Billa, was told he had to relocate his home to another place to give way to an irrigation scheme..

Business unusual: Unlocking Malawiโ€™s agriculture commercialization potential

The Government of Malawi has been exploring the viability of constructing..

SVTP gives a boost to Lengwe National Park

Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Culture Dr. Michael Usi has said there is need for more support..

Third Edition of SVTP Newsletter is out! Click on the download link below.

This e-newsletter provides text and pictorial highlights from the SVTP

SVTP compensates communities, gives hope for a fresh start

When the final route of the canal to be constructed in the Shire Valley was finally..

SVTP engages value chain players, communities on agriculture commercialization

As the construction of the Shire Valley Irrigation Scheme is taking shape..

The Concept of โ€˜Social Licenseโ€™: Lessons from the Past

When initiating a project in an area, even at feasibility study level, community members see the..

Construction of the long-awaited Irrigation Scheme commences

The long-awaited construction of the Shire Valley Irrigation Scheme has started..