Component 3: Agriculture Development and Commercialization (US$56.60 million equivalent, including US$49.80 equivalent IDA)

This is component 3 of the SVTP and finances the following activities:

  • On-farm investments in irrigation and drainage, land leveling, and commercial farm development. This will also include farm equipment (fixed and moveable), initial production and management support at Smallholder Owned Commercial Farm Enterprises (SOCFE) level, and basic infrastructure.
  • Farm development works, goods and services- through support to irrigation development and a demand-based matching grant mechanism for farm assets, operation and management support, based on SOCFE level designs and independently expert-reviewed business plans.
  • Technical assistance and quality control mechanisms in the process of forming productive alliances and setting up SOCFE management
  • Value chain development including linkage to markets
  • Preparatory studies for SVTP-II in terms of market diagnostics, applied research, support to agri-spatial approaches.

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