Natural Resource Management:

What about Conservation?

The intake is within the Majete Wildlife Reserve. The design and construction methods will minimise the impact on the environment as much as possible. Portions of th canal passing through the Majete Wildlife Reserve will be underground in the form of siphons to allow animals to pass and people to access tourist sites such as Kapichira Falls. Where the canal is open, it will be fenced.  The design is intended to maintain the environmental flow at Kapichira Dam.

The main irrigation canal for Phase II will pass through a dry area in Lengwe National Park. The design will make it possible for animals to access drinking water and to cross the canal.

Within the project area there are no known sacred or cultural sites apart from a hill in Phase II. The project design has tried, as much as possible, to avoid going through graveyards.

With funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the SVTP will ensure that all impacts on the environment and wildlife are mitigated at all stages of the Project.  GEF has contributed US$5,587,156 to cater for issues of wildlife and environmental conservation in Lengwe National Park, Majete Wildlife Reserve, Mwabvi Wildlife Reserve, the Elephant Marsh, and Matandwe Forest Reserve.  The project is working hand in hand with the Ministry of Natural Resources, Mining and Energy especially the Departments of Forestry, Parks and Wildlife, and Fisheries.