As indicated on our website, the site visit shall take place on Friday 14th August, 2020.  All participants shall meet at the entrance/gate of CONDURIL ENGENHARIA in Chikwawa along the road to Majete Wild Life Reserve at 9:00am. The visit shall start at 9:15 am. The pre bid site meeting shall not take place as indicated earlier, instead the SVTP will hold a webinar which will be available on our website. All questions/request of clarifications raised by the bidders after the site visit shall be addressed through the webinar. All bidders are therefore asked to submit their questions/request for clarifications by 16:00hrs, (local time) on Sunday, 16th August 2020.

Due to Covid 19 preventive measures, all participants to the site visit are requested to wear masks and bring along hand sanitizers. Participants shall be required to observe social distancing throughout the visit.

Please confirm your participation, and number of participants from your firm by close of business on Thursday, 13th August, 2020 through this email