โ€œProtecting rare species we have as a country is critical for development. Decisions we make as a country should consider the biodiversity we have. Development should not negatively affect our rare resources.โ€  These are the words of Dr Tiwonge Mzumara Gawa, a Conservationist and Lecturer in the Biological Sciences Department atContinue Reading

“We have so many expectations from this new irrigation scheme. The transition from electricity pumping to gravity-fed irrigation will save millions we incur each month. We will be able to reduce our operating costs as a cooperative,” said Joseph Sululu of Katunga- Maseya Cooperative in Chikwawa.   Sululu was speaking inContinue Reading

Natural resource degradation continues to be a threat to the social and economic development of Malawi. Human activities are, without doubt, the major contributor to the rapid declining ecosystem in the country. Deforestation, habitat loss through encroachment, over-fishing, illegal logging, poaching, illegal wildlife trade and pollution are some ways inContinue Reading

“We have so many expectations from this new irrigation scheme. The transition from electricity pumping to gravity-fed irrigation will save millions we incur each month. We will be able to reduce our operating costs as a cooperative,” said Joseph Sululu of Katunga- Maseya Cooperative in Chikwawa.   Sululu was speaking inContinue Reading

The President of the Republic of Malawi Dr Lazarus Chakwera in May 2022 assented to six land-related bills. These pieces of legislation will help address challenges the country has been facing with land management. The SVTP supported the drafting of the amended bills and related processes. The amended bills recentlyContinue Reading

The Shire Valley Transformation Programme has been on the drawing board for over 80 years. Large-scale irrigation farming was one of the three pillars of the integrated development plan of the colonial government called the Shire Valley Project (SVP), developed in the 1940s.   In 1956, the former Governor of NyasalandContinue Reading