By Gospel Mwalwanda (contributor) The presentation with the aid of slides about one of Malawiโ€™s biggest agricultural projects gripped everyoneโ€™s attention in the room, including Vice President Dr. Saulos Chilima. Right Honorable Dr. Chilima was visibly so absorbed in the presentation that although the room was stuffy due to thatContinue Reading

By Gospel Mwalwanda (Contributor) To the untrained eye, the small objects the men would now and again spot and pick from the wet ground as they moved forward in formation made no sense.ย ย But to the eagle-eyed team from the Department of Museums and Monuments, the objects they were looking forContinue Reading

The Deputy Minister of Lands, Honorable Abida Mia MP, on 21st September, 2020 handed over the Chikwawa Physical Development Plan to the Chikwawa District Council.ย  Development of the Development Plan was funded by the Shire Valley Transformation Programme-1.ย  The The Chikwawa Physical Development Plan (CPDP)ย  is the first comprehensive PhysicalContinue Reading

Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Culture Dr. Michael Usi has said there is need for more support to boost reforms currently underway in the natural resources and wildlife sector.  Dr. Usi was speaking during the handover ceremony of assorted field equipment and uniforms to Lengwe National Park in Chikwawa byContinue Reading