26th July 2022:  Parliament this morning approved Loan Authorization Bill Number 25 of 2022: Shire Valley Transformation Programme Phase II, amounting to US$134 million under the World Bank’s International Development Association (IDA).   Members of Parliament on the floor underscored the importance of the Programme to the national economy and improved livelihoodsContinue Reading

Today the SVTP hosted a joint World Bank-African Development Bank mission visit in Chikwawa. The visit started with interactions with representatives of farmers from Mwanaalirenji Cooperative in T/A Kasisi, Chikwawa. Mwanaalirenji is one of the first 5 cooperatives established under the SVTP and officially registered at the Registrar of CooperativeContinue Reading

Here is the list of documents under disclosure for the Shire Valley Transformation Programme Phase 2 (P176575 Project Information Document (PID) 2. Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) for SVTP-2 3. Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) for SVTP-2 4. Concept Environmental and Social Review Summary Concept Stage (ESRS ConceptContinue Reading

Cyclone Ana affects the SVTP in Chikwawa Story Courtesy of the Weekend Nation Scroll below to read the Press Release on the Status of the SVTP infrastructure following flooding at Kapichira Dam Cyclone Ana has affected the multi-billion Kwacha Shire Valley Transformation Program (SVTP) in Chikwawa district. Speaking in anContinue Reading